Games That Can Kill Us . . .

So many dangerously childish actions in the world political drama. For sheer silliness (which could blossom into rank trauma) the American Presidential campaign is a sad example.

From AlterNet: Top 10 Idiocies of the General Election … So Far

From the Los Angeles Times: John McCain, Barack Obama spar over ‘celebrity’

From CNN: McCain, Obama ad wars heat up

So, with all this dangerous silliness, why has the American public not used its Constitutional power to elect sane and sober leaders?

* Attachment to materialistic living and not caring too much what happens?

* Not being sufficiently educated about the issues?

* In a state of cultural shock?

Well, even if every malady of the American electorate were healed, their vote would still not guarantee that their political wishes came true. Ever heard of the Electoral College? This institution separates the popular vote from the election results. Plus, it has happened that the voice of the people was overridden by the electoral process . . .

Still, even if the people had their say, who are the people? Are they exemplary citizens, educated and compassionate?

I’m afraid I’m veering off into a rant so I’ll close this discussion {still hoping for your comments!} with today’s spiritual quotes:

“How incalculable have been the negative results of ill-directed criticism: in the catastrophic divergences it has created in religion, in the equally contentious factions it has spawned in political systems, which have dignified conflict by institutionalizing such concepts as the “loyal opposition” which attach to one or another of the various categories of political opinion —conservative, liberal, progressive, reactionary, and so forth.”
The Universal House of Justice, 1988 Dec 29, Individual Rights and Freedoms, p. 9

“The aggressiveness and competitiveness which animate a dominantly capitalist culture; the partisanship inherent in a fervidly democratic system; the suspicion of public-policy institutions and the skepticism towards established authority ingrained in the political attitude of the people and which trace their origins to the genesis of American society; the cynical disregard of the moderating principles and rules of civilized human relationships resulting from an excessive liberalism and its immoral consequences—such unsavory characteristics inform entrenched habits of American life…”
The Universal House of Justice, 1994 May 19, response to US NSA

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8 thoughts on “Games That Can Kill Us . . .

  1. This writing comes right to the point Alex..
    Sad but I agree,with it very much in deed..
    I like to say this..
    You must not argue too often with the enemy,or you will teach him all your tricks of war.!
    You will either step forward in growth or you will step into saftey.

  2. Awesome! Your statement about not arguing with the enemy reminded me of Sun Tzu ( pinyin: Sūn Zǐ) (“Master Sun”) is an honorific title bestowed upon Sūn Wǔ (c. 544—496 BC), the author of The Art of War, an immensely influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy.

  3. The current political processes of most (perhaps all) countries are based on the assumption that people are inherently conflictual. I don’t think that reform is possible – precisely because reform would be based on the same assumption. What we need is a quiet revolution that takes us towards mutualism and the idea that cooperation is an essential part of human life.

    One might say that we should think in terms of a covenantal relationship with each other. A covenant emphasizes responsibilities as well as rights and cannot be overturned in the way a contract can be overturned. If society were based on a social covenant rather than a social contract, we might find it easier (although still painful) to eradicate the corruption that infects current political systems.

  4. Alex, if my life has any distinction, it would be only in service to the Cause and to humanity. All I can do is to keep striving. All any of us can do is to keep striving.

    The idea of covenantal social/political relationships is not, of course, original! John Locke envisioned the relationship of the polity with the people as a covenantal one and this idea has recently been restated by the UK’s Chief Rabbi at a speech he gave at the Lambeth Conference (the 10-yearly conference of Anglican bishops).

    I should also recommend an excellent book by Michael Karlberg, “Beyond the Culture of Contest”. The book’s subtitle is “From Adversarialism to Mutualism in an Age of Interdependence”. It’s published by George Ronald. It really addresses the questions you’ve raised from a foundation of excellent Baha’i scholarship.

  5. Barney,

    “Alex, if my life has any distinction, it would be only in service to the Cause and to humanity.”

    My point exactly…

    Thanks for the heads up on the book !!

  6. To make every vote in every state politically relevant and equal in presidential elections, support the National Popular Vote bill.

    The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and DC). The bill would take effect only when enacted by states possessing a majority of the electoral votes (270 of 538). When the bill comes into effect, all the electoral votes from those states would be awarded to the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and DC).

    The National Popular Vote bill has been approved by 21 legislative chambers (one house in CO, AR, ME, NC, and WA, and two houses in MD, IL, HI, CA, MA, NJ, RI, and VT). It has been enacted into law in Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, and Maryland. These states have 50 (19%) of the 270 electoral votes needed to bring this legislation into effect.


  7. Susan,

    Thank you, so much for the heads-up on this legislation !!

    What are your thoughts on whether it will be carried into law?

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