Can Youth Save Our World ?

Today I want to honor the youth of the world by introducing a youth from China.

From OneWorld and Mercy Corps: The World’s Youngest Principal – 17-year-old Zhang Yong
“Before the earthquake, he was a student at one of the schools here in Jin Hua. That changed immediately in the disaster’s aftermath: he was asked by displaced families to help create a temporary school. He gathered 15 volunteers, 13-17 years old, to get started.”
“‘Our goal is to keep these kids safe and on a routine, so they don’t forget their studies or what life was like before the earthquake.’ Zhang Yong said.”
“We’re proud to work with determined, energetic individuals like Zhang Yong — local leaders who are full of resolve to not only rebuild, but also care for their communities when it’s needed most.”

What were you doing to help your fellow humans when you were 17?

I was trying to figure out the difference between my minister father and God and that challenge made everything else a total confusion.

When did it dawn on you that helping others is one of the most spiritual things you can do?

It took me over 60 years to get the idea from my head to my heart.

Can you imagine adolescents doing things that most folk think are just for adults?

I can because I’ve known a few.

How do you think youth can be helped best to understand the world?

How do you think adults can be educated to accept the power and creativity of youth?

“A spring wells up at the foot of the mountain:
The image of YOUTH.
Thus the superior man fosters his character
By thoroughness in all that he does.

“A spring succeeds in flowing on and escapes stagnation by filling up all the hollow places in its path. In the same way character is developed by thoroughness that skips nothing but, like water, gradually and steadily fills up all gaps and so flows onward.”
I Ching

“The cause of universal education deserves the utmost support, for no nation can achieve success unless education is accorded all its citizens. Such an education should promote the consciousness of both the oneness of humanity and the integral connection between humankind and the world of nature. By nurturing a sense of world citizenship, education can prepare the youth of the world for the organic changes in the structure of society which the principle of oneness implies.”
Bahá’í International Community, 1992 June 06, Earth Charter

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